Panel discussion: GENERAL AVERAGE

One of the most complex accidents in the maritime business is common. 

Dear friends,

We are announcing a webinar on general average. Interlegal team, jointly with Black Sea Institute of Maritime and Trade law & The Nautical Institute of Ukraine get a unique program for everyone, who work with maritime shipping. 

Each one is unique. Each requires careful consideration from all sides. And each such case requires not only knowledge, but also a great deal of experience.  Especially for this topic, we have gathered acknowledged experts ready to share their experience. 

Date: May 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM Kyiv local time 
Venue: online, by ZOOM platform 
Participation: free

 Topics to disscus:

        – What is General Average?
        – How to distinguish it from Particular Average?
        – What are the Rules applicable?
        – Who contributes and in what proportions?
        – Claims in General Average

So, to visit our webinar is a must! 


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